Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Sierra is 2 months old and other fun things. . .

Today, Sierra turned 2 months old! To celebrate, we headed to the doctor for 2 shots and some kind of oral vaccination! So far, we have a long, lean girl on our hands. She was a little over 12 lbs. and 62 cm. long. She is grinning and cooing, and becoming lots of fun!
On a different note, I decided halfheartedly to give potty training another try yesterday. I didn't expect it to be very successful, but Kaiyah has done GREAT! We've had a couple of busy days, so she has mostly just run around naked in the mornings, but both mornings she has gone several times on her little potty! We're so proud!

And for a Zeke story: today at lunch Zeke asked me, "Would you rather I die before you do or at the same time as you?" What in the world??? Dan asked him where he comes up with this stuff. Zeke replied, "Not from anywhere, I just make it up in my head."


dana said...

What sweet pictures. I can't believe Sierra is 2 months already. She is adorable. They all are! Good job, Kaiyah on the potty training! Isaac asks all kinds of questions like that too. i don't know where they think of the things they ask.

Fred and Renee said...

I LOVE the pictures. The one of them all on the floor is adorable. I can't believe how skinny she has gotten. She is a lot like her cousin Zeke - tall and thin. Funny since she started off so big. Tell Kaiyah that I am so proud of her potty training and tell Zeke that I definitely want to die BEFORE he does. Love you guys!!

Elizabeth said...

Oh my goodness. She's BEAUTIFUL. Seriously, GORGEOUS. Can you speak American though, and tell us how many inches she was at her two month check up? Thanks. :)

And that Zeke story- wowsers. How did you answer?

Dan and Tami said...

That would be 24 1/2 inches. (-:

Mom, is there another Zeke in our family, or did you mean her brother Zeke? Or someone else? (-: