Saturday, July 24, 2010

Yay Sierra!

Sierra slept through the night for the first time last night! 5 weeks old. Yea Sierra!!! Have we mentioned how much we love this little girl??? Have we mentioned what a precious, easy baby she is??? Dan got up to make sure she was still breathing around 3:00 AM. She was. She ate around 7:30 PM and then went all the way until 5:45 AM. Kaiyah probably had something to do with her waking up then, since they now are sharing a room. Let's hope she keeps this up! She is smiling a lot now. Hopefully we'll catch that in picture form sometime soon!


Fred and Renee said...

I love the picture of Dan sleeping and Sierra wide awake. That is so precious! She is such a doll.

Anita said...

I love the picture of Dan and Sierra. So sweet.