Sunday, August 2, 2009

Cute Kids...

So, we have some pretty cute kids. We have three short things and three pictures to share.

The first is about Kaiyah. One of her favorite past-times these days is to wait until we are cleaning up the kitchen and pick through the swept up pile to see if there's anythi
ng she might like in it. This is something we will be able to tell all her friends about when she's a teenager.
The second involves Zeke. The other day, he took a two and a half hour nap and it was approaching dinner time, so Dan woke him up by taking his picture. He thought it was really funny and Dan got a cute picture in the process.
During Zeke's nap, Kaiyah found a package of wipes and rather than pulling them all out of the container as she normally does, she pulled out just a couple and started to dust our tea tables. She's a very helpful little girl.


Fred and Renee said...

I agree - you have some pretty cute kids.

dana said...

good job, Kaiyah. Hopefully she will always like to help clean (and won't always eat what she cleans up). :)