Sunday, July 19, 2009

Birthday gift ideas for Zeke and other cute stories!

So, the other day Tami took the kids out to play in our apartment play area and there was a teenage kid riding a scooter around that looked like this:
Zeke watched the kid for awhile and then solomnly informed Tami that "Someday I want one of those at my house!" Tami chuckled and said "Don't count on it Buddy" to which Zeke responded, "I DO count on it, I want that for my birthday!" So, in case anyone is at a loss of what to get him for his 3rd birthday, there you go! Ha!

Other cute stories about Zeke: recently he has been getting into creative play, and it's amusing to see how the world we live in influences his play. For instance, he builds aquaducts and old walls with his blocks, he delivers water on his bike just like the "water man", and he pushes groceries around in Kaiyah's grocery cart, pretending to deliver them to people, because we frequently order our groceries online and have them delievered to our house.

Not to be overshadowed, Kaiyah is doing some pretty cute things, too. A few days ago she saw Zeke and some other kids playing duck-duck-goose, so yesterday she started coming up to us and tapping us on the shoulder and saying "Duk, duk" and then running off looking back to see if we were chasing her! Today she has discovered the art of walking backwards, so all day long she's been walking backwards everywhere, just as proud as she can be! Also, for a few days now, she's been walking around with her quilt over her head and she keeps running into stuff. It's pretty funny to watch, too.

They are fun kids!


amy said...

Awww, those are great stories! I wonder if Zeke might go for a scooter without a seat...compromise, you know! Miss you!

Fred and Renee said...

They are cute kids!!!!!!