Sunday, January 18, 2009

Pacifier Baby...

So, Tami is at church helping a lady get ready for a reception-type thing they are having tonight. Kaiyah has been running fever, so I'm at home with the kids. I had just gotten them bathed. It was nap time for Zeke and Kaiyah was hungry. The kitchen was a wreck because we'd been cooking all morning. So, I put Zeke down. He went really easily because I let him use "Daddy own blanket." He's funny. I put Kaiyah in the bean bag chair in the kitchen doorway and propped her bottle up with a wadded up sheet so I could clean the kitchen b/c I didn't know what time Tami was coming home.

I got about halfway through washing the dishes when Kaiyah finished her bottle. I took the bottle and she immediately began screaming and trying to get out of the bean bag, so I went really quickly to her room to get her pacifier to hopefully appeal her at least until I got through with the dishes. As soon as I put it in her mouth, she laid back, slightly on her side, as this was her formerly attempted escape route, and there she slept for an hour and a half, allowing me to finish the entire kitchen and take a couple of pictures. She woke up with the afternoon call to prayer, after which she transitioned very easily into her bed, where she has been sleeping now for just about 10 minutes. She's a cute little girl. You should see her videos in the post below if you missed them.


Fred and Renee said...

She is precious!!

Anonymous said...

That is so sweet!