Tuesday, October 7, 2008

"No, Hayır!"

We have always been a big proponent of Zeke learning multiple languages. However, we didn't expect it to manifest itself in the way that it has! Recently, being two and all, Zeke has begun to say "No!" about everything. However, instead of just doing it in one language, he now does it in two! So, now we are hearing "No, Hayır!" about everything!


amy said...

Hee hee! =) I guess you asked for that one!!

Fred and Renee said...

Well, I wonder if he learned that at preschool. Maybe he didn't like preschool because they told him no all the time and that is why he learned that word. Makes sense to me.

Anonymous said...

that is hilarious!! Atleast my kids only talk back to me in one language!! :)