Saturday, January 30, 2010

Fun kids

Today I realized that Kaiyah is the age that Zeke was when Kaiyah was born. Wow! I think I'm grateful that we still have another 5 months or so before little girl #2 gets here. That said, I LOVE having my kids close in age. I know a lot of people think we are crazy, especially over here where it is a very uncommon thing to do, but it's just so fun to see that best-friend friendship develop between our kids. They are close enough in age that they find the same things funny, they like to play with the same toys, they love dancing together and singing together. It's just been a fun thing the last several months to watch as they have really started interacting with and enjoying one another! Here are a few pictures from the last month:

We've been playing a lot of legos lately . . .

and a lot of baby dolls . . .


Fred and Renee said...

I LOVE these pictures!! It is fun to watch them develop relationships with each other. It is well worth the craziness of today to know that they will always be close friends no matter how far apart they are when they grow up. You guys are good examples of that.

kayla bedwell said...

I MISS THEM!! Can I come over for a playdate soon? :)

Anita said...

They are precious children. Can't wait to spend time with all three of them!