Friday, May 15, 2009

Video Catch Up!

We aren't very good about taking video, much less posting them. So, this blog is a video catch up of the last couple of months. Here are three. There should be a couple more in another post. Enjoy!


Anonymous said...

We have such cute grandkids (and big kids)!!!

Fred and Renee said...

I love them! Thank you so much. Kaiyah is so cute dancing - I laughed at her the way Fred laughed at me when I was dancing around with my new Ipod the other day. I can't believe how well Zeke can ride his bike. He is really good at it.

dana said...

Those are so cute. I love that your daughter is dancing to Guns and roses. I don't know if you would find it so funny when she is a teenager. :)

also, I don't know if it's my computer but the videos kept playing in fast speed. It was pretty funny that way though.