Saturday, September 18, 2010

All the happenings . . .

Zeke just completed his first week of preschool! Friday was a little tough, but in general he did incredible, far better then I ever expected. I'm so thankful! So far we have been very pleased with how the school manages everything. Zeke's favorite things about school thus far are getting to play computer games and getting fruit tea for breakfast!
Even with all this growing up he is still my little boy. Periodically he will come up to me and say, "Can you cuddle me mommy, since I haven't had much cuddle time today?" Such a sweetie.

I wasn't sure how Kaiyah would respond to Zeke being gone so much, but I think she is enjoying getting to rule the house a few hours every day! There is also a big park right by Zeke's school, so she has enjoyed getting to play there a few times this week.

I love listening to Kaiyah talk. It is sometimes hard to pass on the cute little things they say and do at this age. An example is this: "Kaiyah shewwee not, mommy." or "Want to play hide and seek not, want to play beach ball." When she answers a question affirmatively, she often says, "Uh huh. Oh yea!" And the other day we were playing brown bear, brown bear. At the end of the game Kaiyah told me to ask her "Brown bear, brown bear what do you see?" She responded, "I see mommy's blue eyes looking at me!" Ha.

Sierra is 3 months old today! She can roll both directions, but more typical is for her to roll from back to front and then squeal until someone flips her over. Then she promptly rolls over again, and so the cycle continues. She is still a pretty easy, laid back baby. She goes to bed between 7 and 8 at night and wakes up between 7 and 8 the next morning. We'll take that! It is fun to watch as she starts to observe her brother and sister. She'll be in on the fun before we know it!

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Rolling Over Now!!!

Alright, enough of the smiles. (See the video below.) Sierra's rolling over now! She learns something new every day!

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Sierra in the morning...

This is a video from the last day of vacation. There will probably be more later. Sierra likes to give her Daddy smiles in the morning...